Friday, September 01, 2006

How does a Proppian analysis apply to the genre of 'Prison Break'?

My independant study focuses on the American serial drama 'Prison Break' and will analyse in detail how Propp’s theory of character roles including hero, villain, donor, princess and so on contribute to the type of genre the series is. I will also use other successful American TV dramas such as “Lost”. “Prison Break” produced by Fox is a very successful show in the US and internationally including the UK. I will also discuss how the different character roles such as hero and villain segregates the black people from the white and so the representation of black people is a major issue in the American serial drama.

Furthermore, Propp's structuralist approach on character roles is expanded into 31 narrative funtions. I will determine whether this proposal by Propp of narratives having functions which motivate a cause effect can can be applied to 'Prison break'.


Media Language: In the first episode of the first season, Michael Scofield is the first character who is shown signifying that the whole drama is focused on and around him. He is shown in low key lighting getting his infamous tatoo put on. This shows that Michael is portrayed as the "hero" not only through the story line but the media langauge as well. The mise en scene and iconography are crucial in how the genre is shown across to the audience.

Institution: “Prison Break” is produced by Fox and is therefore an American TV serial Drama. It is directed by Brett Ratner.

Genre: 'Prison Break' consists of many hybrid genres such as thriller, action and romance but it is a serial drama. This will be the basis of my proposal- whether Propp's theory of character roles and functions can be applied to a TV series consisting of hybrid genres rather than a film.

Representation: How the characters in their roles are represented and whether it effects the representation of their race/ethnicity. Also, whether this is stereotypical taking into consideration the historical prejudice past of America. Also whether the respresentation of the characters is changed throughout the many episodes which makes the audience feel more sympathetic or hateful towards them.

Audience: The main reason audiences choose to watch films is for entertainment, and genre is a crucial factor in this as it assists in maing films easier to choose and understand. Film producers inlcuding Nick Santora of Prison Break , are aware of the conventions of genres they make themselves produce. However, it is very questionable wether the genre of 'Prison Break' apply to the Proppian theory.

Values and Ideologies: the corruptness of the Fox State Prison that is level 1 security and how Michael Scofield and his "helpers" manipulate this is portrayed very realistically and may reflect the attitudes of Americans towards ethnic minorities in America in its past and present.

Narrative: The narrative of Prison Break is multi-stranded as it focuses inside and outside of the prison life.


Social Context:'Prison Break' includes some racism against black people as, for eg. Michael Scofield is beaten up by the white inmates for becoming friends for the black ones. This shows how the treatment of ethnic minorities in todays society in the USA is still present. Also, a genre film (or drama) contains re-occuring patterns and themes that reflect the basic questions, problems, anxieties, difficulties, worries and the values of a society and the way members of that society attempt to tackle those basic questions and problems. This can be applied to Prison Break such as the doctor having to choose between helping Michael to escape the prison with his helper inmates and betray her father (the governor) in doing so or simply turn away and live with the guilty feeling but doing right by her father. The audience would choose for her to help Michael, which she does. So, the basic questions and problems are answered but the repurcutions are to follow.

Historical Context: The role of black people has to be analysed compared to the historical past of America. Also, the critisms of Propp's Morphology of the Folk Tale (published in Russian in 1928) as it removes all considerations of tone, mood, character, and, indeed, anything that differentiates one fairy tale from another.

Economic Context: Fox is owned by Fox Entertainment Group, part of Rupert Murdoch's news cooperation. Since its launch on October 9th 1986 FOX has grown from an upstart "netlet" to the highest-rated broadcast network among younger viewers.

Political Context: The political history of America can also be analysed and compared with the roles and representation of the characters in “Prison Break”. This includes the corruption of the American government which is portrayed in the serial drama.

Propp- 8 character roles, 31 generic functions
Todorov- narratives having the same simple structure
Viktor Shklovsky- like Propp (a Russian Formalist) split narrative structure into story and plot


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