Monday, February 05, 2007

Does Blogging Help?

1. How easy has it been to set up your Independent Study blog and to get used to posting things on it? Were you given enough support in doing it? What other help would have been useful?

I found it very easy to set up my independent study blog and goes used to posting research on it. The support given was enough because it is quite simple, especially because we did the blogs for last year as well- so not really anything new.

2. How did the blog help with your research? Did the blog motivate you to do more and better research? How? Why?

The blog helped to gather the research, otherwise important websites etc may have been lost.

3. Is it useful having all the Independent Study/blog tasks posted on the Macguffin blog? Does it make it more likely that you will get them done?

It is useful having all the study and blog tasks posted on Macguffin as if we forget imporatant parts of it or didn't know any was set, we can easily see it on the site.

4. How often (honestly!) do you check the Macguffin blog? (Remember, it should be at least twice/week).

Everytime i go onto my blogs, i go onto the macgffuin blog first so i check it a lot more than twice a week.

5. Has it been useful being able to see and access everyone else’s research and planning through their blogs?

I haven't really looked properly through any body else's research and planning.

6. How do you feel about the fact that your teacher can keep a close check on your progress through accessing your blog? Is it too intrusive and controlling or is it encouraging and supportive?

As long as all you know all the blog work is done then i think its encouraging and supportive because they can help us through it escpecially when we had the tutorials the blogs were helpful then.

7. How useful have the comments been that you received from…a. Macguffin, b. other students.

I haven't recieved any comments from macguffin and other students.

8. How has the blog helped with your essay planning? How useful was the blog when it came to writing the essay? Do you think your first draft is better because you have used a blog?

The blog helped me a lot with my esay planning and i used it when writing my first draft. I think my first draft might be a little better because i have used the blog, especially reference wise.

9. How would you evaluate the quality of your blog? What could you have done better?

The quality of my blog is really good. I could have done more analysis of my research early on in the year in order for it to be a lot useful for me now.

10. Do you think you will get a better final grade for your independent study through having used a blog?

I don't think i would getter a higher grade, it has helped to keep everything organised but i suppose i would have done that anyway.

11. Which are the best three blogs? Why?

The best three blogs are:
Jatinder- Very detailed, colourful blog with quite a lot of pictures.
Jaskeerat- Again detailed and comes across as enjoying her text a lot, therefore putting lots of effort into it.
Sherish- A lot of effort, detail and organisation- content and presentation wise.

12. Do you think next year’s Year 13s would benefit from setting up an Independent Study blog?

I do think next year's yr 13s would benefit, just like we did.

13. Are there any negative aspects to preparing for an Independent Study using a blog?

Just the extra work that has nothing to do with the actual independent study.

14. What could be done to improve teaching and/or learning in future through blogs?

No improvements needed.

15. Overall, are you pleased that we used blogs? Has it been interesting and enjoyable? Why? Why not?

I am pleased that we used the blogs, it has been interesting rather than enjoyable. This is because it is so much more easier to take info from websites and paste the link instead of printing everything out.


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